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Physics Outreach Award at St Mary's

Physics Outreach Award at St Mary's

20 Jun 2015


SEPnet would like to congratulate Dr Elisabetta Canetta on winning the Outstanding Performance Award for her excellent contribution to physics outreach at St Mary�s University. Elisabetta has won this award in recognition of her ongoing efforts to build and grow a physics outreach programme at St Mary�s. Just this year Elisabetta has delivered activities in physics including a Solar Eclipse event, Physics Caf� talks, running the annual physics summer school for Year 12 students and running taster sessions for widening participation students. She has also been responsible for events which explore the interface between physics and theology, including a Physics and Faith workshop, and physics and philosophy. All of these have raised the profile of physics at St Mary�s.

These Awards are given by St Mary�s to those staff that go above and beyond to make a difference and contribute to St Mary�s mission, strategic objectives and values. Elisabetta has also been running the new Physics course at St Mary�s over the last few years and is also their SEPnet Outreach Officer.

For more information on St Mary�s Physics Outreach programme and upcoming events please see: http://www.stmarys.ac.uk/undergraduate/applied-physics/activities.htm